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High-resolution marine seismic 

data acquisition and processing system

Data acquisition system

- Composed of hardware consisting of PC and signal converter (signal input converter with built-in A/D converter) and SeisDaps software that controls it

- SeisDaps software: Input data acquisition parameters such as data sample interval, recording time, gain control, output file name, data format, etc., and record it in SEGY format

- Quality Control (QC): Display the signal and display the real-time frequency spectrum -> Possible to check the status of the signal during data recording. Easy to enlarge or reduce the display section

- Simple system operation: When changing the survey line, only the file name is changed to record data and automatically save the changed data acquisition parameters


SeisDaps  PC-based data acquisition system


Notebook computer + signal converter


Mini computer + signal converter


SeisDaps-S1 signal converter (front)


SeisDaps-S1 signal converter (rear)


SeisDaps-S1 software

Data processing system

- Perform data processing of gain recovery, deconvolution, and filtering and save the result in SEGY format

- Perform data processing simultaneously with data recording or during playback

- Quality control (QC) is possible by displaying data processing results on the screen during exploration

- Production of seismic section image file

Fig5-1-SeisDaps Data Processing.PNG

Screen of the SeisDaps-S1 indicates the filtering result during the data processing stage (low frequency components are removed to show good condition). Data acquisition/processing results are shown in seismic section during the survey

Data acquisition system operation

Data acquisition parameter setting

- Input parameters such as data sample interval, recording time, gain, output file name, data format, etc.

- SeisDaps-S1 is a single-channel data acquisition system, and SeisDaps Pro is 8-channel data acquisition system.

- Data sampling interval can be set as an arbitrary value in the range of 0.02 ~ 100 ms according to the frequency characteristics of the data.

- The recording time is set in consideration of the shot time interval and the depth of the stratum to be explored.

- Gain control value is set among 1, 2, 4, 8 when the input signal is less than +/- 10 v

- Enter the file name of the survey data to be recorded and prepare it before entering the survey line

- When entering the survey line, click the start recording button to start data recording

Data acquisition parameter setting example

- Air gun/sparker exploration: It mainly targets the strata with a depth of several tens to hundreds of meter. Since the main frequency band is 100 to 1,200 Hz, data sampling intervals of 0.1 ms or 0.2 ms are used.

- SBP (sub-bottom profiling) exploration: In the shallow strata survey targeting a depth of several tens of meter, the main frequency band is 1-3.5 kHz, so a data sampling interval of 0.05 ms is used. If the recording time is 0.3 s in the shallow geological survey with a shot interval of 0.5 s, 6,000 data are recorded for each shot.

SeisDaps type


SeisDaps-S1 signal converter


SeisDaps-S1 software


SeisDaps Pro signal converter

SeisDaps Pro-Software-v41.JPG

SeisDaps Pro software

Data processing system operation

Data processing parameter file example

- Version information in line 1 of the data processing parameter file

- In line 2, the number of data processing processes

- Afterwards, the data processing process consists of 2 lines of each command and parameter.

Data processing parameter setting

- GDEL: Delay time correction, reset of recording time

- GAIN : A, B, C variable of gain function and 0 level correction value

- DCON: Deconvolution operator length, prediction distance, autocorrelation function length, starting position (unit: ms)

- FILT: digital filtering, trapezoidal 4 frequency

SeisDaps-S1-processing par.PNG

Data processing parameter file example of SeisDaps-S1

(Including data processing stage and necessary parameters for each stage)

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